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Volunteer at FFBI

There are many reasons why you should volunteer for the Firefighters Burn Institute, however, the main reason is that we cannot accomplish what we do without your help! Volunteers are the backbone of the Firefighters Burn Institute.
Girls section at A's baseball game

As a volunteer, you can positively impact communities and individuals. 

You can improve as an individual when you use your time to volunteer. This can happen because you’re meeting diverse individuals and communities, allowing you to expand your perspectives. 

Woman and kids in pool
Tommy with woman at event

Volunteering can also improve your health because it may encourage your overall optimism and happiness. After all, you’re using your skills and time to benefit others. An improved mood may strengthen your immune system, increasing your health. 

Volunteering provides opportunities for learning new skills, helping society and increasing your confidence level in a professional setting. 

Man in costume
Volunteers at costume party

Another beneficial aspect of volunteering is you may discover opportunities for networking with other individuals to form new professional relationships.

Volunteer work gives you valuable experience to add to your resume. This is especially true if you’re still developing work experience. Additionally, it can show potential employers that, despite limited or no professional history, you have volunteer experience that you can apply to the role.

Volunteer opportunities include, but are not limited to, camp counselors, assisting with special events and fundraisers, program support, administrative work, fire/burn prevention education and social media.

Questions? Contact us to find out how you can help!