
Youth Firesetter Program​

What is the Youth Firesetter Program?

The Youth Firesetter Program (YFP) is an intervention program for youth (ages 5-17) who demonstrate a tendency to misuse fire. The program is led by fire, probation, burn and healthcare professionals who provide a coordinated effort in helping youth firesetters and their families receive the assistance they need through assessments, psychological referrals, and education. 

How Does YFP Work?

Once a youth is referred to the program they will be assessed by a certified Youth Firesetter Intervention Specialist to determine their risk level.  Risk level is determined by utilizing the youth firesetting screening program, developed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) & the US Fire Administration, to evaluate youth who have been involved in a fire incident or have been referred by a fire department, probation officer or other entity.  The results of this comprehensive evaluation, and other relevant factors, determine if the youth is eligible to attend the YFP Fire Safety Academy. 

What is the Fire Safety Academy?

The Fire Safety Academy teaches youth and their families safe and responsible behaviors related to fire use as well as the financial, emotional, and social consequences of firesetting.  In addition to fire safety, curriculum also focuses on making good decisions, peer pressure, responsibility, problem solving skills, thinking errors and leadership skills. The three-session academy course, consisting of nine hours of synchronous learning, allows youth to attend age-appropriate classes, while parents/caregivers attend informational training seminars.  A parent/guardian must attend with the child for the entire program. Siblings (ages 5-17) are also encouraged to attend for educational purposes.  Fire Safety Academies are held bi-annually in the spring and fall.

2025 Spring Academy

Dates: March 12th, 19th & 26th  (must attend all 3 session dates)

Location: Sac Metro FD – Headquarters
10545 Armstrong Ave., Suite 200
Mather, CA 95655

Time: 5:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Academy begins promptly at 5:30 p.m. (please arrive 15 minutes early for check-in)

2025 Fall Academy

Dates: September 2025 (TBA)

Location: Sac Metro FD – Headquarters
10545 Armstrong Ave., Suite 200
Mather, CA 95655

Time: 5:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Academy begins promptly at 5:30 p.m. (please arrive 15 minutes early for check-in)

Partnering Agencies

Amador Fire Protection District
(209) 223-6591
Auburn Fire Department
(530) 823-4211
Contra Costa County Fire Protection District
(925) 941-3300
Cosumnes CSD Fire Department
(916) 405-7114
Davis Fire Department
(530) 757-5684
East Contra Costa Fire Protection District
(925) 634-3400
El Dorado Hills Fire Department
(916) 933-6623
Folsom Fire Department
(916) 351-3448
FPAN NV – Reno Fire Department
(775) 334-2300
FPAN NV – Sparks Fire Department
(775) 353-2255
FPAN NV – Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District
(775) 326-6000
Las Vegas Fire and Rescue
(702) 415-1691
French Camp McKinley Fire District
(209) 932-8628
Placer County Probation Department
(916) 543-7400
Rocklin Fire Department
(916) 625-5300
Roseville Fire Department
(916) 774-5800
Sacramento County Probation Department
(916) 972-1059
Sacramento Fire Department
(916) 808-1639
Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District
(916) 859-4316
San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District
(925) 838-6600
South Placer Fire District
(916) 791-7059
UC Davis Regional Burn Center
(916) 734-5596
West Sacramento Fire Department
(916) 617-4600
Woodland Fire Department
(530) 661-5860
Wheatland Fire Authority
(530) 633-0861

If you do not see your local fire department listed, please contact your fire department directly to see what services are offered in your area. 

For more information or to refer a youth to the Youth Firesetter Program please contact Rachel Crowell, Director at (916) 739-8525 or