Survivor Support

BurnNet Survivors Meeting

BurnNet Survivors Meeting is a support group for burn survivors, loved ones, and professionals to connect and share in recovery.

Upcoming Meetings: Upcoming Peer Support Group Meetings
Locations: Virtual and In-Person (UC Davis Medical Center)
To sign up for virtual BurnNet Survivors Meetings, please follow the link and complete the online form here:

The BurnNet Survivors Meeting is a twice monthly meeting where burn survivors and survivors of necrotizing fasciitis, families and significant others discuss issues and raise questions related to their injury.

The meeting is facilitated by the Firefighters Burn Institute Regional Burn Center Burn Outreach Coordinator and a SOAR peer. They provide a relaxed, safe and undisturbed atmosphere, conducive to the needs of all those who attend. UC Davis Medical Center is a Survivors Offering Assistance in Recovery (SOAR) — designated facility, some of our peer support volunteers will serve as a source of hope and inspiration to those impacted by a burn injury. Questions are answered and anxieties related to the injuries can be diminished or alleviated in this safe haven. Useful topics are discussed each month to aid in the participants’ understanding of the various stages of injury, rehabilitation and recovery.

Other specialists are featured in Lunch Bunch sessions, held the second Thursday of each month from 12:00 to 12:30 p.m. They speak to topics like cosmetics, vocational rehabilitation and physical therapy, and reconstructive options. Sign up through our Google Form.

Caregiver Support Meetings are scheduled on the fifth Thursday of the month when possible. Caregiver Support meetings will be held from 12:00-1:00 p.m. via Zoom, register here.

The Firefighters Burn Institute also hosts a guided journaling session via Zoom on 4th Thursdays. Email for more information or call (916) 739-8525 and ask for Valorie.

More information is available at UCD BurnNet Survivor Meeting.

​In-Person Meetings

In-person meetings resumed temporarily in March 2023 for first Thursdays only at our host location, UC Davis Medical Center, and are currently only a virtual meeting via Zoom. Participants can access meetings online from anywhere thanks to the virtual format. Register for the meeting for more information. Please visit UCD BurnNet for the most up-to-date information about potential in-person Survivor Meetings. When in-person, meetings are held in Sacramento, CA. 
Close-up of a group of diverse people sitting in a circle and holding hands together during a support group meeting