All posts by ffburn

Smoke Alarms

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Smoke alarms save lives. Properly working smoke alarms give you and your family an early warning to get outside to your meeting spot quickly. It is recommended by the National Fire Protection Association to have a smoke alarm on each level of your home, including your basement and attic, inside every bedroom, and outside each sleeping area.


Stay Away from Hot Things

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Teach children to not touch hot things. Hot things can burn our skin. It is important to know what is hot and what is not.


Stop, Drop, and Roll

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It is important to know what to do if your clothes catch fire at all ages. If your clothes catch on fire:

    • Stop
    • Drop
    • Cover your face
    • Roll

It is important for everyone to practice all steps and it is also a fun activity to do with the kids to help teach them how to properly do all steps.


Survivor Social Events

At different times during the year the Firefighters Burn Institute plans social events for burn survivors and their families. These social events change from year to year depending on the donations we receive from generous donors and the interests of our survivors. Social events in the past have included tickets to Sacramento Kings games, Sacramento River Cats games, Sacramento Republic FC games, barbeques, picnics, movie nights and more! These social events are a wonderful opportunity to build a network of support while meeting others who have gone through similar experiences.

For more information on upcoming social events please contact our office at (916) 739-8525 or email us at

Treating a Burn

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When you burn yourself, remove the heat source immediately.

      • Cool the burn with cool, not cold, running water for 3-5 minutes.
      • Cover the burn with a clean dry cloth.
      • Get medical help if the burn involves your face, hands, genitalia, or major joints.

To learn more about treating a burn, visit the American Burn Association’s website at
