Home Escape Plan

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According to the National Fire Protection Association, your ability to get out of your home during a fire depends on advanced warning from smoke alarms and planning your escape ahead of time. Fire can spread rapidly through your home leaving you as little as one or two minutes to escape safely once the smoke alarm sounds. A closed door may slow the spread of smoke, heat and fire. Pull together everyone in your household and make a plan. Walk through your home and inspect all possible exits and escape routes. Households with children should consider drawing a floor plan of your home, marking two ways out of each room, including windows and doors.

To learn more about creating a home escape plan and to download your own grid to map out your home, visit the NFPA’s website https://bit.ly/2y4mB9j.

  • Sleep with your bedroom door closed
  • Know two ways out of each room
  • Get low and go
  • Never go back inside
  • Know your family’s meeting place
  • Call 9-1-1